Saturday, June 13, 2009


my brother was in paris and we went to berlin together with my friend andrew and here are the amazing pictures he took documenting the whole week. love all the photos... especially the last ones that are in paris where i am wearing my boyfriend's mother's vintage leopard coat that i am just beyond obsessed with. beyond obsessed. need it. gahh. now. why wont they enlarge with a click?

this picture of the three of us is one of my favorite favorites.

oooh, and this one.
photo credit: david auerbach

i can read this 1000 times and still love it...

We smile at each other

and I lean back against the wicker couch.

How does it feel to be dead? I say.

You touch my knees with your blue fingers.

And when you open your mouth,

a ball of yellow light falls to the floor

and burns a hole through it.

Don't tell me, I say. I don't want to hear.

Did you ever, you start,

wear a certain kind of dress

and just by accident,

so inconsequential you barely notice it,

your fingers graze that dress

and you hear the sound of a knife cutting paper,

you see it too

and you realize how that image

is simply the extension of another image,

that your own life

is a chain of words

that one day will snap.

Words, you say, young girls in a circle, holding hands,

and beginning to rise heavenward

in their confirmation dresses,

like white helium balloons,

the wreathes of flowers on their heads spinning,

and above all that,

that's where I'm floating,

and that's what it's like

only ten times clearer,

ten times more horrible.

Could anyone alive survive it?



  1. Looks like you had an amazing trip. Beautiful photos.

  2. How the heck did you get the one with the 3 of you in the train window!!!!?? amazing feat of photog!

  3. I love the pictures. Somewhere between a Wes Anderson film and a Marc Jacobs commercial... fuckin fantastic.

    "and above all that,

    that's where I'm floating,

    and that's what it's like

    only ten times clearer,

    ten times more horrible."

  4. if you want to see the rest of the photoset that I took over there, it's available here:
    although not all of the film shots are there yet...

  5. Lala, like the pictures, love the one through the train window and you as an animal in leopard half-crouched next to your brother...why are you taking so long between posts? Blog more, its interesting..and that poem is dark and lyrical, muah
